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Clumsy Crafter: The Clean Team

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Clean Team

Every year I move everything off of our patio and scrub the entire thing down. I was working on it yesterday when it started pouring rain and made me stop before I could really get it clean. So this morning when the girls wanted to go play outside in a light drizzle, I put my thinking cap on. We know that kids love to play in water but when you add soap and bubbles to the mix, their little excitement meters go into overdrive.  I gave them some brooms, squirted soap all over the patio, and told them to get to work!

Considering that Annie is one of their favorite movies, they love to scrub things.

Don't worry, I put Princess Newbie to work too. She was project manager.
and this guy... he was chief of all pitifulness. It's a hard job but someone has to do it.
Instead of coffee breaks, they chose bike breaks.

Look, they do get along! It's proof. I'm going to blow this up to poster size to show them when they're teenagers.
"GET BACK TO WORK YOU SLACKERS!"  Man, that project manager is one tough cookie.

I love rainy days.

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